🐾 Backtracking from (healthy) overwhelmedness

🚉 On Trains: Post #7

Fabio Barbero published on

4 min, 640 words

Categories: Random

It's quite simple, really. For my thesis, I'd still like to:

This is just a small subset of things that came to mind while writing this. The actual list of ideas to do would result in a much bigger diagram.

From my experience, in research projects, it's quite common to have cyclic branching and broadening phases. Diving deep into a topic, but zooming back to the bigger picture when too many new elements are discovered and need re-evaluating. Writing a daily log of what I do (using Obsidian) has greatly helped me to keep track of the bigger picture, and avoid feeling overwhelmed by random ideas floating around.

However, I still find it hard to cut down branches of research. Of the diagram above, I have already started working on almost all tasks. However, none of them is finalized.

It is perhaps time to set a deadline, after which I would stop exploring and start writing my thesis.

This shorter entry was necessary for organizing my thoughts. In two weeks: isochrones! (hopefully)

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