🚏 Getting started with transit data
🚉 On Trains: Post #1
Fabio Barbero published on
8 min, 1424 words
Blog posts accumulated over time.
🚉 On Trains: Post #1
Fabio Barbero published on
8 min, 1424 words
My first post of many, on data and on trains!
Fabio Barbero published on
8 min, 1462 words
Given your innovative work in this field, we would be honored to have your expertise showcased in our journal.
Fabio Barbero published on
19 min, 3770 words
A diary entry about frustration on working when things don't work.
Fabio Barbero published on
7 min, 1216 words
Categories: Growth
Tags: Work Stream of thoughts
Diary of a short victory
Fabio Barbero published on
4 min, 629 words
My experience working as a Software Developer at Odoo
Fabio Barbero published on
16 min, 3145 words
Brief summary of what I achieved in 2021
Fabio Barbero published on
6 min, 1150 words